


兩個禮拜前正式開始my BA role. I’m now looking after two different programs which handed over from a co-worker who just left the company few days ago. She spent one week training me up, yet before I can get my head around the new programs, the acting team leader, Mr J, gave me a project to do already…頭大!! 

這兩個禮拜在很忙,很興奮又有點搞不清楚狀況下度過.但從明天開始,那女孩走了,I can develop my own working system, instead of following what she used to do. 

Based on my observation throughout the training session, it seems that Mr J doesn’t understand about the programs the other girl was working on, and seems that he doesn’t have good technical background/skills. The funny thing is when he understood the part the girl was explaining, he kept trying to show off his knowledge and so eager to explain it to me. I don’t understand why couldn’t he just let the girl finish it herself. 真的很好笑.而這兩個禮拜以來,我能感覺到他的緊張,他的討好,他的毫無頭緒,他的野心,他的不耐煩,他的大男人(the attribute that I dislike the most!!). 

Mr J and I had a quick chat last Friday afternoon and he told me he’ll be promoted to be our manager. Oh my God!!! This is exactly what I’ve been worrying since I started this job. He might have the potential to be a manager, but I think he still has a lot of things to learn before he can be one. 我了解自己無法跟一個bad manager工作.If my observation is right that he’s not a manager material, 我也不知該怎辦.Maybe I’m wrong, and I hope I’m wrong. If he’s not good enough, the big boss wouldn’t offer him the position. 得再觀察個幾個月看他當上經理後的表現.


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